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Is Drinking Ruining your Holiday?

As the holidays near and family traditions take over, many will take part in regular drinking sessions with one another and at holiday parties. While this is acceptable and ok for many, for some, holiday drinking leads to DUI, serious relationship problems and a world of hurt. Alcohol consumption may be socially acceptable this time of the year but for some, alcohol addiction makes holiday drinking more of a holiday catastrophe.

Here are some signs that your drinking is not just part of a socially acceptable event for the holidays and more of an addiction that is taking over:

Drinking to Cope with Holiday Stress

If you’re using alcohol as a coping mechanism then there’s a problem. Alcohol during the holidays is typically fine but to drink as a means of coping with stress and getting by is a tell tale sign of addiction. The soothing effects of alcohol only last for a very short-period of time and can lead to depression and further anxiety about the impending holiday season.

Risky Behaviors while Drinking

If you’re drinking has led to risk behaviors that you normally wouldn’t take part in such as drinking and driving there is a problem. Holiday drinking is the result of a 25% increase in alcohol related traffic incidents that occur during the period of time immediately preceding Thanksgiving to the day after New Years. Higher incidents of alcohol related injuries and accidents are also reported during this time of year.

Losing Control While Under the Influence

If you tend to justify your drunkenness by claiming it is “because of the holidays” and that you don’t usually do things like this then there could be a problem. Holiday drinking that leads to a loss of control, especially when the result of binge drinking, is not acceptable and should not be overlooked. Often times, those who are addicted to alcohol will make promises to cut back after the holidays but these New Year’s resolutions rarely result in true commitment and the new year often comes and goes without any real change. If drinking is a problem, there’s really no need to wait until a new year to get help.

If holiday drinking has turned from social fun to social angst, it’s time to seek immediate help. It’s very common for an alcoholic to suffer many of the symptoms of addiction without even realizing that they are suffering. If alcohol seems to be ruining your holidays, take a step back and ask yourself if alcohol addiction may be to blame. Holiday drinking can be fun but not when it takes away from the fun of the season leads to depression, anxiety, family problems, legal consequences and other problems.

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