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Alcohol Addiction Intervention

An alcohol intervention is typically planned by the family members or loved ones of the addict but may also include friends or an employer. The intervention is planned by a professional interventionist and most often will use tactical elements to inspire the addict to accept help and go into treatment for their alcohol addiction. There are many reasons why families or loved ones may choose to take the route of intervention but may include:

  • the alcoholic’s denial of their problem or the denial of how the problem is negatively affecting those around them
  • a family desire to seek the right type of treatment for their loved one and feeling more comfortable by having the help of a professional interventionist
  • the alcoholic’s hostility toward their loved ones that may prevent them from accepting help from family and be more accepting and willing to listen to an outsider
  • a family who lives far away from the alcohol and wishes to have the interventionist help them coerce their loved one into treatment

Most of the time, the alcoholic will be reluctant to admit that he or she has a drinking problem. They may shed light on the subject, downplay their alcoholism and attempt to make the situation seem like it’s “not so bad.” While an intervention is no guarantee that the addict will accept help and get treatment, nor is it a guarantee that they will recover from the addiction, it is a good starting point. Having a professional help to address the addiction in a controlled environment can greatly improve the chances of the addict accepting help and going immediately into an alcohol addiction treatment program.

How to Tell if a Loved One Needs an Intervention

There are some tell tale signs that a loved one’s addiction should be intervened by family and friends. Because denial is the greatest obstacle in addiction treatment, most of the time, this denial keeps both the addict and those who care about him or her in the dark. Nobody wants to admit that they are addicted to alcohol and no family or friends want to admit that their loved one is an alcoholic but the fact is, the admission of the problem is the first step to getting the help you need.

Not everyone who is addicted to alcohol will need an intervention in order to get well. Some will willingly accept that they have a problem and seek help on their own and others will find ways of recovering without having to go away for treatment. Here’s a look at some signs that you can expect in those who DO need an intervention:

  • tolerance and a need to use more and more alcohol
  • telling lies about drinking, downplaying the amount of alcohol consumed or hiding alcohol
  • lack of appearance or lack of caring for one’s self
  • blacking out or forgetting what was said or done while drinking
  • money problems, borrowing money or losing a job as a result of alcohol
  • risky behaviors, DUI, legal troubles while drinking
  • accident or injury that results while under the influence of alcohol
  • irrational behavior, mood swings and unpredictable actions
  • lack of responsibility, showing up late to work, sleeping too much or getting poor grades
  • isolation from those who do not drink or simply isolating themselves from others
  • mental health problems that are exasperated by alcohol
  • physical health problems that are exasperated by alcohol

If you have a loved one who is caught up in alcohol addiction, there is synergy in groups. Getting together with other friends and family members of the person you care about and staging an intervention may be a lifesaving decision. While there will likely be feelings of fear, anger, guilt, shame and frustration as you go, a professional interventionist can help you and your loved ones to cope with these struggles while encouraging the addict to get help. We can help you find an interventionist who can support you and your family during this difficult time.

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